
Rosemary & Garlic Lamb Racks with Roasted Root Vegetable

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  • Serves: 2 – 3Prep Time: 15 – 20 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 35 – 45 minutes
  • Ingredients

    • 500g of Lamb Rack (trimmed).
    • 1 small Sweet Potato.
    • 2 medium Potatoes.
    • 2 – 3 Carrots.
    • Olive oil.
    • 3 – 5 sprigs of Rosemary.
    • 3 Gloves of Garlic.
    • 6 Broccolini (or ½ head of broccoli).
    • Bay Leaves (2 large or 4 – 5 small).
    • Salt & Pepper.
    • brown onion (only need a few slices).
    • 2 cups (500ml) Beef stock liquid.
    • 1 Tbs Plain Flour (optional, if you want the Jus to be thicker).


    • Pre heat oven to 200°C (fan forced).
    • Peel and cut up Sweet Potato, Potatoes and carrots into 1 cm pieces (does not need to be exact).
    • Crush and finely chop 2 cloves of garlic and pull half of the rosemary off of the stem (hold the tip of the rosemary and slide your fingers down the stem).
    • Put root vegetables into a Pyrex dish (big enough so they are not stacked up). Pour about 2 – 3 table spoons of olive oil (enough to coat the veg), had half the rosemary and garlic. Mix well to ensure that all vegetables are coated.
    • Put dish on bottom rack in the over. Using a spatula turn vegetables after 15 minutes to ensure even cooking and that they do not stick (this will take 30 – 40 minutes to cook).
    • Slice the left over glove of garlic into 1 – 2 mm slices.
    • With a sharp knife make small 1cm slits (1cm deep) every 5cm on the skin of the lamb (should be about 8 – 12 small cuts). Poke your finger in to make the hole slightly bigger.
    • Place 1 slice of garlic with 4 or 5 blades of rosemary into each hole. Do this until each hole has rosemary and garlic in it.
    • Rub the skin side with 1 – 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
    • Put Lamb in oven tray (with a wire rack inside if possible) skin side up and cook for 20 minutes for medium rare (cook a further 5 minutes for medium to well).
    • While lamb is cooking finely dice 2 – 3 tablespoons of onion. Put the onion and left over garlic into a saucepan, with a teaspoon of oil and cook until the onions go opaque.
    • Add plain flour and fry for 2 – 3 minutes, stirring constantly (do not allow the flour to burn).
    • Add the beef stock, left over rosemary, pinch of pepper and bay leaves, and simmer on low – medium heat, stirring occasionally.
    • Remove Lamb from oven and allow it to rest on a plate for 5 minutes.
    • Put a pot of water on the stove with a pinch of salt, bring to boil.
    • Pull the veg out of the oven.
    • Put the stems of the Broccolini in the water for about 1 minute. Then submerge them completely for a further 20 – 30 seconds (if using broccoli just into water for 20 – 30 seconds only).
    • Poor the juices from the lamb and vegetables (if any) into the Jus.
    • Strain the Jus into a jug to remove any lumps.
    • Slice the rack into individual pieces.
    • For plating place some root vegetables on the centre of the plate. Add 2 – 3 pieces of lamb on top of the vegetables. Put with 2 – 3 Broccolini on the plate, then drizzling some Jus over the lamb and vegetables.